
Fabric introduction – mulberry silk

Blog,Clothing Fabrics Introduction | May.30.2023

Mulberry silk, is a long continuous fiber made by the silkworm when the cocoon secretion silk liquid solidification, also known as “natural silk”, many manufacturers are also known as “silk cotton”. It is the same as wool, is one of the earliest use of animal fiber, according to the different food, and divided into mulberry silkworm, Quercus sericea, cassava silkworm, camphor silkworm, willow silkworm and silkworms.

The silk strip drawn from a single cocoon is called cocoon silk, which is made from two single fibers covered by silk glue bonding. [1] will be several cocoon cocoon silk extracted from the silk, silk glue bonded wrapped silk strips, there are mulberry silk (also known as raw silk) and Quercus serrata silk, collectively referred to as silk. The silkworm silk with the silk glue removed is called refined silk. With them as raw materials, they can be processed into various varieties of fabrics by looms.

Mulberry silk advantages are:

1, mulberry silk color white, more lustrous, better quality.

2, mulberry silk texture dense and slender, soft and delicate to the touch, relatively smooth, comfortable to the touch.

3, mulberry silk has good breathability and moisture absorption, and heat resistance and extensibility is also relatively good.

4, mulberry silk and human keratin protein structure is similar, very skin-friendly, more friendly to human health, high security, not easy to cause allergies.

Disadvantages are:

1, mulberry silk maintenance is more troublesome, can not be heavy pressure, exposure to the sun.

2, due to the high quality of mulberry silk, its price is also more expensive.

3, mulberry silk cleaning is also more trouble, can not use the washing machine cleaning, easy to cause damage, you need to hand wash, and use neutral detergent, drying need to avoid direct sunlight.

Mulberry silk washing method recommended:

1, a wide variety of silk, some varieties should not be washed, such as flower soft satin, brocade satin, ancient fragrance satin, Tian Xiang silk, gold fragrance crepe, gold velvet, etc.; some varieties are suitable for dry cleaning, such as vertical velvet, Zhang velvet, georgette, etc.; some can be washed, soak in cold water for about 10 minutes before washing, soaking time should not be too long. Cold water or warm water washing, should not be long soaking; gentle pinch wash, do not vigorously scrub. Choose a light gear when machine washing. Dark colors are generally easy to lose color.

2, not alkali-resistant, should be used neutral enzyme-free or silk detergent.

3, do not use chlorine-based detergent soak, available oxygenated detergent to remove color stains.

4, the use of squeeze washing, avoid wringing, squeeze to remove water, hanging dry or folded in half hanging dry, do not sunlight exposure, should not be dried.

5, to use softener to maintain a soft touch and anti-static.

6, silk clothing should be hanging storage, storage of clothing boxes, cabinets to keep clean, dry, as far as possible, sealed to prevent dust pollution, do not sprinkle deodorant or perfume, do not place mothballs.

7, the preservation of silk clothing, thin underwear, shirts, pants, skirts, pajamas, etc., first to wash clean, iron dry before collection.

8, inconvenient to disassemble and wash the autumn and winter clothing, jacket surface, cheongsam to dry cleaning method to wash and brush clean, ironing until flat, to prevent mildew, out of moth. After ironing, can also play the role of sterilization and insects, ironing clothes to seven or eighty percent dry and then evenly mist spray water, to be 3-5 minutes before ironing.

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