
7 Steps to Start a Clothing Fashion Brand

Blog | Jul.13.2023
1. Write a business plan

Do you want to start your own clothing brand? You may be full of creativity, but to succeed in the fashion industry, you also need to develop your business skills. You need to start your brand with a plan, and in the beginning stages, this means writing a business plan to help you achieve your goals.

There are also many factors to consider when creating a business plan for your clothing brand. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have your finances right, including start-up costs and sources of funding.

Another thing to consider in your business plan, which parts of your company’s operations you will do yourself and which parts you will delegate and outsource. Your decisions will affect your costs. However, tackling everything yourself may not be the best idea, one person has limited energy and your skills and enthusiasm may be better utilized on the creative side of things, which makes recruiting other professionals for tasks you are not good at a smarter choice for long term success.

Finally, in your plan, you need to cheat on the business model you will use. Consider whether you intend to design and make and sell your own line directly, or whether you would prefer to use a clothing manufacturer such as SanBai apparel ( to do this for you.

2. Identify your market

To develop your fashion brand, you don’t have to appeal to everyone. Success depends on finding the right fit for your market, i.e. you are aiming to impress a specific group of people or market enough so that they are willing to spend money.

Before you start your fashion brand, it’s vital to make sure you have a clear understanding of your audience demographic and ideal customer.

3. Build your brand

When it comes to starting a fashion brand, you need to consider more than just the visual branding of your company. It’s more important that your brand is distilled to represent your mission.

To do this, you need to define your brand’s mission (i.e. your fashion goals) and the values that define how you will achieve this. Your values in particular are very helpful here. This is because they serve a dual purpose, not only helping to guide every branding decision you make (from your marketing choices to the colors you choose for your next product line), but also providing a strong identity that potential customers can connect with and resonate with, which can help you build lasting relationships in an already saturated market.

4. Design your clothing Style

Once you’ve laid the business foundation for your fashion brand, you can begin the creative side of your process. For those who have started a fashion brand, designing clothing and patterns is both something they love to do and the primary motivation for starting their own business.

You don’t need to make any of your own garments, as there are studios and manufacturers who can handle this aspect for you.

5. Consider timing (change of seasons)

Timing really is everything when it comes to fashion. This means that you need to have the right designs for the spring, summer, fall and winter seasons. It’s also important to remember that preparation for each season needs to start well in advance so that everything is ready when the season arrives.

6. Marketing your fashion brand

Marketing your clothing cheerfully will be easier if you start with a strong brand. The reason for this is that by having a clear brand with a clear ideal customer in mind, it becomes much easier to properly target your marketing goals and make them effective. Something that can help you maximize your sales and profits while also saving money.

7. Sell your branded fashion

Selling your clothes to retailers

One of the main goals of launching a successful fashion brand is to sell your clothes. This stage of running a fashion business involves a great deal of work, and the first decision to make is how to go about it.

Another option is to offer your designs wholesale.

Wholesale is when a retailer buys your inventory from you and resells it in their store. Of course, they will expect a discount for buying in bulk so that they can make a profit once they resell it. However, it can be advantageous for your fashion brand because you can sell more volume faster and you are not dependent on store sales to make any profit.

Sell your clothes online

Another option for your designed fashions is to sell them online. There are several benefits to doing so, including lower overhead costs, which is especially useful for those just starting out. Not to mention, an online store is an ideal way to showcase your design and fashion portfolio to potential buyers (individual and volume buyers).

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